Even while traveling you should stop to smell the flowers.


Hello! Please feel free to explore my blog. Here I will talk about my job as a foreign language teacher as well as what it is like to live and travel in China. Read on to hear all about my adventures and my advice. I hope that it helps and that you enjoy! Feel free to leave questions and comments.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My Country and My People

One of my friends gave me the book My Country and My People, by Lin Yutang, to read. It is about the culture and the people of China and so far, it is helping me to understand more fully the people of China and why they act the way they do. I thought that I would write a bit to explain some of the things that stood out to me about what I read and then have seen in the Chinese people I know and have met.
One part of this book is about the Chinese characteristic of indifference. The author describes that indifference comes from the Chinese culture and is seen as a good characteristic. According to the book, indifference started with politics and personal rights, because if one was indifferent, then one did not get into trouble, but if one voiced one’s opinion, then one could get into trouble. “…indifference is always safe and has an attractive side to it difficult for Westerners to appreciate” (48).
In my interactions with some Chinese people, I see this indifference not only in regards to politics and personal rights, but also in regards to explaining their own feelings and desires. This has been frustrating for me, just as the author explained. I suppose that the indifference is difficult for me, a Westerner, to appreciate. This is because, I am used to being able to ask and then understand someone’s thoughts and wants, and when they only show indifference, as is the case many times in China, it is difficult for me, as I am not used to that. I wonder if I am correct in thinking that perhaps this indifference in what these people say that they want or desire is due to the culture, such as the author said, or if the indifference explained is only towards politics and personal rights.
I will write more as I keep reading…

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