Imagine you are teaching a class of six and seven year olds and you are reviewing for a test. You open the book so that they can all see and as soon as they see the first page, they start chanting the words and the dialogues on the page: "Mingming, Tom! This is my aunt. This is my uncle. Nice to meet you, Mingming and Tom. Nice to meet you too." All without stopping. As you turn the page, they start chanting again: "This is my brother. This is my sister. Hello! Nice to meet you. No, I'm a dinosaur. I'm a deer." With each page that I turned, the students were able to just repeat what was printed on the page. If it was a page of pictures with vocabulary, they listed off the vocabulary in order. If it was a page with a song about the chapter, as soon as they saw the page, they started singing the song (with no prompting from me).
I had been asked to review since the children were going to have a test on the material (yes, these children have tests in kindergarten - I don't remember having that). But as soon as I had opened the book, the children started repeated what they had learned. I couldn't get a word in edge-wise. I was both shocked and amazed by the students' memorization skills and that they had been asked to memorize page after page in the textbook. It is a very different teaching method from kindergarten and preschool teaching in the United States. It is true that we had to memorize colors, shapes, songs, and so forth, but as far as I remember, we did not have to memorize the books word for word as these children do.
I had seen the teachers teaching this when they repeated the dialogues, songs, and words with the students over, and over, and over, and over again. For 20 minutes that is all the students would do - repeat the same phrases over again. As a student, I don't think I would have been able to stand it, but I also don't know how the teachers can do it. I guess that is just the learning/teaching style in China - it is very different from that of America. Comparing the two, I much prefer the teaching and learning style in America. Seeing the children at this stage and also at later stages, I think that the learning style in America allows the children to think in a freer way and to be more imaginative. Any thoughts?
Understanding Loan Guarantee Program
13 years ago